One of the decisions
you need to make when building a home, is to decide on the type of
barrier to have between the foundation walls and your soil. There
are many factors in making this decision... from grade, to soil
types and most important, the use of the space!
Below are
three options we currently offer for creating a barrier
between your foundation and the soil:
Dampproofing Fenton Poured Walls.
provides a barrier with no warranty |
Watchdog Waterproofing by Tremco
Rub-R-Wall of
Michigan, Inc.
After selecting a quality waterproofing
product, you can now help to insure a dry basement for years to come
with the application of DELTA®-MS. This product is made of a special high-density
polyethylene (HDPE) resin by Cosella-Dörken Products. The barrier
is valuable in protecting the waterproofing material from damage
during the backfill process and provides an engineered gap between
the backfill materials and foundation. This allows water to flow
quickly to the drain tile and help eliminate hydrostatic pressure on
the foundation wall surface. Please visit their site for additional
click here to go Cosella-Dorken Products
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Fenton Poured Walls, Inc. |